Latest News and Statements

Issued by: North West Provincial Legislature: Media & Communications Unit


Hon Karabo Magagane conducted an unannounced oversight visit to Upper Majeakgoro Clinic, Ga Mothibi Community Health Centre, Taung In-Patient Centre, and Taung Old Age Home, all located within the Greater Taung Local Municipality.

Hon Karabo Magagane conducted an unannounced oversight visit to Upper Majeakgoro Clinic, Ga Mothibi Community Health Centre, Taung In-Patient Centre, and Taung Old Age Home, all located within the Greater Taung Local Municipality.

On Wednesday, 12 February 2025, the North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development led by Hon Karabo Magagane conducted an unannounced oversight visit to Upper Majeakgoro Clinic, Ga Mothibi Community Health Centre, Taung...

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The Chairperson of the North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development, Hon Karabo Magagane was shocked to discover that Ratsela Secondary School only receives R78,000 after every six months to run the school of over 140 learners.

The Chairperson of the North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development, Hon Karabo Magagane was shocked to discover that Ratsela Secondary School only receives R78,000 after every six months to run the school of over 140 learners.

The Chairperson of the North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development, Hon Karabo Magagane was shocked to discover that Ratsela Secondary School only receives R78,000 after every six months to run the school of over 140 learners.This was...

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