The Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs led by Hon. Aaron Motswana held an oversight meeting with the Department of Human Settlements over first Quarter Performance Report for 2023/24 financial year and first and second draft Annual Performance Plan for 2024/25.
MEC for the Department of Human Settlements and Acting Premier of the North West, Nono Maloyi informed the Committee that on the first quarter, the department achieved six indicators from the planned twelve which translated to 50 percent achievement.
“Our biggest challenge was on Programme 3 where we only achieved 2 indicators from 8 planned performance indicators. Some of the reasons are as a result of developers who were appointed on turnkey project but failed to register title deeds and delayed on signing the contracts.
“Remedial action includes the department’s plans to take away the function on title registration to appointed panel of 25 conveyancers,” said MEC Maloyi.
He also said the department had a serious problem with non-performing contractors on Breaking New Grounds houses delivered as only 554 out of 1753 were delivered. “Our remedial action will include scaling down on the targets of those non-performing contractors and appointing new contractors to finish the incomplete work,” said MEC Maloyi.
Hon. Motswana said the department should ensure that all the unblocked projects are completed in due course. “The department must prepare a comprehensive report on all blocked projects that include from 2000 when funds were transferred to municipalities to build RDP houses but were never build. The report should include blocked projects in Amalia, Piet Plessis, Mokasa 2, Magogong and Bray,” said Hon. Motswana.
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