Portfolio Committee on Education, Culture, Arts, Sports and Recreation chaired by Hon. Paul Sebego conducted an oversight visit at Thuto Boswa and Seiphemelo Secondary schools; Sarafina stadium and Boikhutso Cultural Village in JB Marks Municipality in Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District.
The program was aimed at strengthening oversight and public participation and to promote accountability and transparency in government.
Thuso Boswa Secondary School
The principal of the school, Mr. Victor Mogonodiwa told the Committee that the school is struggling with learners that are using drugs in the school premises. “These learners they delay teaching after using these substances as they become disruptive and the behaviour changes and sometimes they become sick and the teachers will have to leave the class and attend to that learner and call their parents to come collect the learners from school. This also waste time for other learners since they are losing,” said Mr. Mogonodiwa.
He also informed the Committee that social workers are regularly called to assist with social services and also recommend rehabilitation to leaners who are depended in these drugs.
Other issues raised include teenaged pregnancy as nice learners are currently pregnant. “We suspect high poverty as some of these learners come from child headed families,” said Mr. Mogonodiwa. He further said classrooms and ablution facilities are dilapidated and the Department of Education was engaged on the matter.
Seiphemelo Secondary School
The School Principal Mr. Tinini Taje said the school is functioning well except the usual late coming of learner sand some disruptions. “There is a challenge of scholar transport where about 117 learners come to the school late including matric learners. We have raised the matter with the department to intervene and the problem is still on-going.
“We also have overcrowding as there is a shortage of classrooms and we need three additional. There are cases were learners are fighting physically with teachers when they are reprimanded in class or not to do certain stuff during school hours” Said Mr. Taje.
Hon. Sebegoe said the Committee engage the Department of Education to resolve scholar transport matter. “The committee will also write to the Department of Education and request them to provide explain how they are assisting schools in dealing with Teenage Pregnancies and on the issues of substance (drug) abuse by learners in school,” said Hon. Sebegoe.
He also said the department must attend to the infrastructural challenges that are affecting day to day running of the schools. “The committee is disappointed to hear that there are learners who are still attacking educators and there is not much done with regards to the issue and we will meet with the department to check what other measures that can be followed in addressing the matter,” said Hon. Sebegoe.
The Committee also visited two more projects that belongs to the Department of Culture, Arts, Sports and Recreation which are: Sarafina Stadium and Boikhutso Cultural Village in Potchefstroom. “We resolve to consult the Department of Culture, Arts, Sports and Recreation on unfinished projects,” said Hon. Sebegoe.
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