In striving for service excellence and best practice, the Legislature subscribes to the following values.
The legislature shall at all times act in a fair manner towards executing it’s duties. We will also uphold our principles of impartiality and independence.
Transparency, Accessibility & Accountability
The Legislature is committed to upholding the Batho Pele principle of transparency, accountabilty and accessbility.
The Legislature is committed to improving and developing its public participation processes. To involve stakeholder in the legislative process.
Members of the Provincial Legislature are elected to represent the people and their constitutional mandate is to ensure Government by the, by providing a forum for public consideration of issues, by passing transformative legislation, scrutinising and overseeing executive organs of state.
The core function of the Legislature is to pass laws for the North West Province and to oversee organs of state.
The Main Services to be delivered by the North West Province:-
- To pass or amend a constitution for the North West Province.
- To pass Legislation for the North West Province.
- To recommend to the National Assembly Legislation concerning any matter outside the authority of the North West Legislature, or where national law prevails over the provincial law.
- To oversee the activities of the Executive Council and other organs of state; and
- To ensure public participation and oversight activities of the Legislature.
The legislature has the power to pass legislation in various fields enumerated in the national constitution; in some fields the legislative power is shared with the National Parliament, while in others it is reserved to the province. The fields include such matters as health, education (except universities), agriculture, housing, environmental protection, and development planning. In fields outside the power of the North West Provincial Legislature, it may recommend legislation to the National Assembly.
The North West Provincial Legislature may also enact a constitution for that province, if two-thirds of the members vote in favour. The powers of the North West Provincial Legislature are bound only by the national constitution and the provincial constitution (if one exists). There is no provincial Constitution in the North West so it is bound by the national Constitution.
The objective of the Office is to promote a culture of participatory Democracy and representation of All Cultures, Voices and Opinions.
To promote efficient, effective and economic running of both Political and Administrative wings of the Institution.
To promote and enhance capacity for members of NWPL e.g.
• Training of Committees
• Conducting Public hearings.
• Oversight Work
• Study tours (Domestic and International).
• Monitory capacity Of the Budget.
• Conducting debates and exercising public representation.
sopa 2023
The Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature, Hon. Basetsana S.R Dantjie will officially open the North West Provincial Legislature wherein Premier Kaobitsa Bushy Maape will deliver the State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Friday, 24 February 2023 in the Legislature Chamber at 09h00.
North West Legislature Portfolio Committee Demands Immediate Suspension of North West Housing Corporation CEO and Halt to Mega and Smart City Projects amid Forensic Probe
The North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements, and Traditional Affairs, led by Hon. Kgalalelo Makgokgowa, has formally called on MEC Hon. Gaoage Molapisi to immediately halt all mega and smart city projects and to place NWHC CEO, Mr. Sello Mogodiri, on precautionary suspension pending a full-scale…
Hon. Freddy Sonakile appeared before the South African Human Rights Commission’s (SAHRC/the Commission) North West Provincial Office (NWPO) Provincial Investigative Inquiry into the State of Scholar Transport in the province at Protea Hotel in Mahikeng.
Today, 11 March 2025, the North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Premier and Finance chaired by Hon. Nathan Oliphant has adopted a committee report on the second adjustment appropriation bill 2024/202 where an additional R150 million rand has been appropriated to the Department of Human Settlements for housing development…
North West Legislature Committee on Finance Adopts Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill 2024/2025 for Additional R150m to Department of Human Settlements
Today, 11 March 2025, the North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Premier and Finance chaired by Hon. Nathan Oliphant has adopted a committee report on the second adjustment appropriation bill 2024/202 where an additional R150 million rand has been appropriated to the Department of Human Settlements for housing development…
Portfolio Committee Chairperson Freddy Sonakile to Appear Before Human Rights Commission Inquiry on Scholar Transport Challenges
The Chairperson of the North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Community Safety and Transport Management, Hon. Freddy Sonakile, will appear before the Human Rights Commission’s Investigative Inquiry into scholar transport challenges in the North West. The meeting is scheduled as follows: Date : Tuesday, 11 March 2025Time : 14:00Venue :…
The Standing Committee on Legislative Review and Implementation of House Resolutions
The Standing Committee on Legislative Review and Implementation of House Resolutions chaired by Chairperson of Committees, Hon. Tebogo Modise presided over the processing of the petitions from Dr. Kenneth Kanda District at Matlosana Banquet Hall in Klerksdorp.The following petitions were processed. 1) Petition 000241Community complaint about the conduct of Ward…