Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation chaired by Hon. Tebogo Modise held an oversight meeting with the Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation and Mmabana Arts, Culture and Sports over the 2023/24 Annual Reports. The...
The North West Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Community Safety and Transport Management, chaired by Hon. Freddy Sonakile, held an oversight meeting with MEC for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, MEC Wessels Morweng and the Head of...
The North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Premier and Finance chaired by Hon. Nathan Oliphant will hold a virtual oversight meeting with the Office of the Premier over the Investment and employment creation initiatives in the North West Province as...
The North West Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism chaired by Hon Mpho Khunou will hold an oversight meetings with the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and...
On Thursday, 24 October 2024, the North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Community Safety and Transport Management, in conjunction with the Portfolio Committee on Education, held a joint meeting to hold the Departments of Community Safety and Transport...
The North West Legislature Portfolio Committee on Health And Social Development led by Hon Karabo Magagane conducted Public Hearings throughout the province on the Older Persons Amendment Bill, 2022, S76 [B11B-2022]. The bill aims to amend the Older Persons Act, 2006,...