The Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs chaired by Hon. Aaron Motswana conducted oversight visit at Tlhakaneng Paving project in Ratlou Local Municipality

The Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs chaired by Hon. Aaron Motswana conducted oversight visit at Tlhakaneng Paving project in Ratlou Local Municipality

The Portfolio Committee on Premier, Finance, Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs chaired by Hon. Aaron Motswana conducted oversight visit at Tlhakaneng Paving project in Ratlou Local Municipality. The oversight visit forms part of the...
North West Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Roads, Community Safety and Transport Management led by Hon Mmoloki Cwaile conducted an oversight visit at Nietvirdiend Police Station

North West Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Roads, Community Safety and Transport Management led by Hon Mmoloki Cwaile conducted an oversight visit at Nietvirdiend Police Station

On Tuesday, 06 February 2024, the North West Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Roads, Community Safety and Transport Management led by Hon Mmoloki Cwaile conducted an oversight visit at Nietvirdiend Police Station as part of the oversight week...
The Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation led by the Chairperson, Hon. Boitumelo Moiloa visited Ikageleng Secondary School, Ikageleng Stadium and Dinokana Cultural Village

The Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation led by the Chairperson, Hon. Boitumelo Moiloa visited Ikageleng Secondary School, Ikageleng Stadium and Dinokana Cultural Village

The Portfolio Committee on Education, Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation led by the Chairperson, Hon. Boitumelo Moiloa visited Ikageleng Secondary School, Ikageleng Stadium and Dinokana Cultural Village all in the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality. The visit...
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