The core objective of the Legislature is to pass laws for the North West Province and to oversee their implementation by the Executive Council and other related structures.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

The Legislature has a CPA Branch called CPA North West Branch. The CPA North West Branch is a member of CPA Africa Region and CPA International. All Members of the North West Provincial Legislature including MECs are members of this Branch.

Association of Public Accounts Committee (APAC)

The Provincial Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature is a member of the APAC, which is an association of Public Accounts Committees of legislative bodies of South Africa. The aim of the association is to improve the quality and performance of Public Accounts Committees of South Africa, and to enhance the capacity of individual members of these committees

Speaker’s Forum

The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislature are members of the Speakers’ Forum. This is a voluntary association of Speakers of legislative bodies of South Africa. The purpose of this forum is to enable the Speakers to exchange information and experiences, to enhance their performance.

Secretaries Association of Secretaries of South Africa (SALSA)

The Secretary to the Legislature is a member of SALSA. This is a voluntary association of Secretaries to South African Legislatures. Like the Speakers’ Forum, the purpose of this association is to enable Secretaries to exchange information and experiences, to advance their performance

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