On Tuesday, 01 October 2024, the North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Community Safety and Transport Management led by Hon Freddy Sonakile conducted an oversight visit at the North West Transport Investments (NTI) offices in Watloo, as part of the special oversight visit that the committee is currently embarking on scheduled to take place from the 01 – 03 October 2024.

The purpose of the visit was to amongst others get a briefing from the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management on the status quo of NTI and other depots, the progress made by the Business Rescue Practitioner (BRP) since his appointment as well as to meet with union members and management of the NTI.

Amongst some of the issues discussed were on the outstanding salary payments of employees due to non-communication between the BRP and NTI management on criteria used to pay employee salaries, this includes no payments of pension payouts for employees who have since retired or in cases of death, the uncertainty of job securities, the non-submission of the NTI Annual Financial Statements for the past five years as well as the current court case between shareholders of the NTI and the BRP.

The Committee will meet with Union members on Wednesday, 02 October 2024 to solicit outstanding matters relating to the wellbeing of employees at the NTI.

The NTI is an entity of the department, and is allocated a budget on a yearly basis, as a result it must account to the Portfolio Committee its financial stance and how the budget has been utilised.

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