The North West Provincial Legislature Portfolio Committee on Community Safety & Transport Management chaired by Hon. Freddy Sonakile expressed serious concerns about media reports that several scholar transport service providers have not been paid for over eight months, despite fulfilling their contractual obligations.

Hon. Sonakile said if confirmed, these reports reflect poor management of the scholar transport function in the province. “We insist that the department fulfils its contractual obligations by ensuring prompt payment to service providers who have rendered services in accordance with contract terms and completed the claims process. Expecting service providers to deliver quality services while the department delays payments is unacceptable. Failure to process payments within 30 days not only contravenes the Public Finance Management Act but also disrupts the operations of businesses, ultimately affecting the delivery of quality scholar transport services,” said Hon. Sonakile.

He also said the Committee emphasises a zero-tolerance approach towards service providers who fail to meet their contractual duties, particularly those operating unroadworthy vehicles to transport learners.

The Committee will formally request MEC Wessels Morweng to provide a detailed explanation for these challenges and outline the steps being taken to resolve the issue. “Given the potential negative impact this can have on education, we will thoroughly review the reasons provided and advocate for consequence management against anyone found responsible for this anomaly,” said Hon. Sonakile.


For more information or to arrange interviews with the Chairperson contact Namhla Luhabe on 0795270628.

 Issued by: North West Provincial Legislature: Media & Communications Unit on behalf of the  Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Community Safety and Transport Management – Hon. Freddy Sonakile

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