The oversight visits form part of the Legislature’s oversight week in various municipalities under the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda Municipality, and the program is aimed at strengthening oversight and public participation and to promote accountability and transparency in government.

During the program, Members of the Legislature will interact with different provincial departments and their MECs; Mayors; Accounting Officers; and members of the Municipal Public Accounts Committees.

Trotsville Primary School
Amongst some of the challenges found at the school include incomplete upgrading project which resulted on a falling ceiling and other work. The School Principal, Mr. Monde Montshioa informed the Committee that the Department of Education appointed a service provider to build 12 classrooms, administration block, Library, Car Port and paving in 2013 as part of phase 1. “We are still waiting for the service provider to complete the project as 18 classrooms are incomplete and were supposed to be part of phase 2 of the project. During Raining seasons, the Administration block is flooding and it’s very difficult to walk around the area.

“The leaners do have furniture in class and the school utilises maintenance budget to buy furniture’s for learners but the staff room doesn’t have any furniture and it was never purchased. Teachers and learners share chairs,” said Mr. Montshioa.
Hon. Sebegoe informed the school that a comprehensive report should be submitted detailing all the matters concerning the unfinished work and all letters sent to the department. “The Committee will then hold an oversight meeting with the department to find possible solutions and find reasons on why the service provider left the site,” said Hon. Sebegoe.

Ntlatseng Combined School
The Committee held an oversight meeting with the school management of the school led by the Principal, Mr. Lerato Kona who informed the Committee that the school has been performing well in the last three years. “In 2022, we dropped on matric results as we obtained 61% pass rate as we did not have a mathematics teacher from September until end of the year. Most learners failed mathematics and life sciences.
“One of our main challenges is water and we are often forced to send learners home due to this persistent problem. When there is no water, toilets are not functioning and this leaves the school in a messy situation hence we have no choice but to release them early,” said Mr. Kona.
He said the school wrote to the Department of Education for assistance on Grade R playground and furniture for educators at the staff room. “The school fencing is also a problem and we did inform the department of all these challenges we experience but there have been no responses so far,” said Mr. Kona.
Hon. Sebego requested the school to forward letters sent to the department on request of a playground, school furniture and fence, and informed the school that the Committee will engage the department.

Wolmaransstad Library
The construction of the new library started in February 2022 and expected to continue for 18 months. The project had delays due to underground water spillages but the problem was resolved and will be completed in April 2024.
Hon. Sebegoe said the Committee will engage the Department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation on the project progress including the expenditure incurred.

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