The purpose of the meeting is to draft the strategic plan of the Legislature for the 7th term pursuant to section 14 of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act which provides that:-

Within six month after the election of the National Assembly (provincial Legislature), or by the date determined by Parliament (provincial Legislature), the Accounting Officer must prepare and present to the Executive Authority a draft strategic plan for Parliament’s (Legislature) administration.

The Strategic Plan for Parliament’s (Legislature) administration must:-
(a) Cover the following five years or other period determined by Parliament,
(b) Specify the priorities of Parliament’s (Legislature) administration for the period of the plan,
(c) Include objectives and outcomes of each program of Parliament (Legislature)
(d) Include multi-year projections of all the revenue, and
(e) include performance measures and indicators for assessing the administration’s performance.

Various stakeholders gave presentations on topics such as achieving the NDP goals and objectives, provincial growth and development strategy, policy directive, security infrastructure, as well as performance and the impact of the Portfolio Committees by the Auditor-General SA

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